Friday 9th September
Friday 13th September
Welcome to our first blog post of this new school year!
We are enjoying getting to know your children and we are pleased with how they are settling into their classes.
Pictured below is our outdoor woodland area situated behind the Year R classrooms. Your child will be spending a day a week in our woodland area.
We would just like to recap what your child needs to bring to school.
They should bring a named, non spillable water bottle to school each day (filled with water please).
On Sunny days you might like to send a named sun hat with your child. Please apply sun cream at home in the morning and do not send it to school.
Please can you put a change of clothes in your child's book bag as they may well get wet in the water tray or have an accident. A change of clothes may include plain leggings or jogging bottoms, pants, socks and a plain t-shirt.
P.E. Kit
We keep your child's P.E. kit in the classroom for the whole half term. The P.E. bag does not have to be a school one - it helps your child to find it if it is distinctive with their name on the outside!
In the P.E. kit, your child should have named plimsolls or trainers (velcro please!), a pair of green shorts, joggers (any colour), jumper/sweatshirt (any colour) and a t-shirt in their house team colour.
Waterproof Clothing and Wellies
Please can you ensure that your child brings a named pair of wellington boots to school to wear in the outdoor areas.
Please can you also make sure that your child's name is in each shoe so that they can find them again when they go inside!
Each class has a welly rack outside the door where you can put their wellies.
Please ensure that your child brings a waterproof coat to school each day.
Each day your child will be working outside for half of their learning time so it is important that they have a waterproof coat.
Each day your child has a school lunch, please can you discuss their choice with them before they come to school in the morning. If your child does not like any of the options that day, then you might like to provide them with a packed lunch from home. We will provide the children with a drink of water with their school or packed lunch.
Please can we remind you that we are a nut free school as we have adults and children in year R with severe nut allergies - please do not put Nutella or peanut butter in sandwiches. Lunchboxes should not contain any sweets.
Many thanks for your cooperation with this.
Older Siblings in Year One and Year Two
If you have an older child in Year One or Two, your Year R child will be brought to meet you by the fence at the top of the Year 1 outdoor classroom (outside Class 1J) at 3.15pm.
Children in Time out wrap around care will be brought to and collected from their classroom by Time out staff.
For further information about Time out, please contact them directly.
From next week, each class has a book trolley outside the classroom door. Please take a sharing book each day to read with your child at home.
We will be sending more information home next week about early reading.
If you have a rhyming story, please encourage your child to listen for and identify the rhyming words.
Reception E-Mail Address
If you have any questions, please e-mail the Reception team directly on
Thank you for your support at the beginning of your child's journey through Whiteley Primary School.
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