•  Friday 11th October

This week at school we have been learning the nursery rhyme "London Bridge is falling down".  We have discussed the history behind the rhyme and talked about why we have bridges and what they do.  The children have experimented with construction kits to build stable bridges and other structures.  We learnt how to cut masking tape safely with scissors and used it to join boxes together to make bridges.
 In Phonics this week we have continued to play a variety of games. 
These games have been played to help develop listening skills.
For example: listening for words that begin with the same sound, listening for rhyming words in stories, identifying sounds and naming the odd sound out, and playing I-spy with nature sounds and with the names of their classmates e.g. I spy someone who's name begins with A?

Please see your individual phonics booklet for lots of ideas of games to play at home.

Bug club
The school code to access Bug Club is krm6. Your child's log in details are in their yellow Phonics booklet.
 As you can see, there is some great guidance about how to use these picture books to develop your child's early Phonic skills.  Thank you to those families who have already accessed Bug Club with their child.

This week in maths the children have been building on their subitising skills. They have been saying the number of sounds that they can hear, such as claps or drum beats, with out needing to count. They have been encouraged to look closely at small quantities and observe whether the quantity has changed or only the arrangement.

The children have begun to notice that numberblock four can be arranged with 2 blocks on top of another 2 blocks or as a line of 3 and 1 more and connect both to four.


Wednesday 23rd October 
Nursery Rhyme Dress Up day/singalong

Please remember that Wednesday 23rd October is our Nursery Rhyme dress up day.
We would like to encourage every child to come to school dressed as a nursery rhyme character. Our singalong will take place during the school day where we will see how many nursery rhymes we can sing in 10 minutes.
We will let you know how many songs each class has sung by sending home a certificate for each child in their book bag. After that please return any sponsorship forms and donations to your class teacher.

Thank you very much for your support.


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