Friday 8th November 

This week, we have been learning about Bonfire night and why we celebrate it.  We have listened to the story of Guy Fawkes and learnt to mix our own paint colours to create firework pictures.

This week we have introduced the letters g, o, c and k. 
We have learnt the names of the letters, the sounds they make and the accompanying action.
You may like to ask your child to show you these actions.

We have identified words that contain these letters e.g. goat begins with 'g', pot has 'o' in the middle of the word.

Bug Club
Please check your child's reading log to see which sounds we have learnt this week and to see which book we have allocated.

This week please encourage your child to read ' Did, Sid dig!' twice at home. 
It is really important to read these books at home.  We notice such an improvement in the confidence and reading development of the children who are accessing Bug Club at home. 

Thank you!


A key focus this week is deepening the children's understanding of 5 as a quantity by linking the number itself to the 5 fingers on one hand. We have sung and learnt the number rhyme 5 little peas.

The children have explored ways to represent numbers to 5 using both their fingers and objects. 

You might like to make some collections of five at home with your child!

counting to 5 game

Counting to 5 and beyond

Thankyou for your support.


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