Friday 6th December
Friday 6th December
This week, we have continued to read the story 'The foggy foggy forest'. We have been writing a sentence to add to the story using rhyming words.
This week in phonics we have been revisited the sounds b, d, e, f and the digraph ck.
We have been reading and spelling words containing these phonemes e.g. bed, fun, rock etc.
Bug Club
Please see your child's reading log to see which book has been allocated this week. We ask that you read the book twice more at home to support our 3 read approach.
Thank you to those parents who are logging onto bug club and reading with their child. It really does boost their confidence if they have shared the selected book at home.
This week's bug club book to read at home is 'Is it a rock?'
This week in Maths, we have been thinking about the purpose of counting i.e. to find out how many objects there are?
The children have revisited 1-1 correspondence and remembering the stopping number.
We also explored counting orally to larger numbers including the 'teen' numbers.
You may ask your child to help count objects at home e.g. can you count 4 forks for dinner?
We are looking forward to seeing you next week at our nativities. Here is a reminder of the days and times.
Monday 9th December 2pm - Foxes class
Wednesday 11th December 2pm - Squirrels class
Thursday 12th December 2pm - Owls class
The nativity will take place in the hall. Please could we ask you to queue outside the hall - where you wait in the mornings by the gate.
Please could we ask that there are only 2 adults attending per child. Younger siblings are permitted to come but we ask that if they are unsettled you take them out of the hall until they are settled.
You are welcome to take photos or videos for personal use. Please do not share these on social media.
You will be able to take your child home after the nativity has finished. Older siblings will not be able to be collected early.
Thankyou for your support.
Year R team
Christmas Cards
In Year One we encourage the children to make one Christmas card for the class rather than give out lots of individual cards.
This means that we can really value your child's card and message and share it with the class and it is more sustainable for our environment too.
Thank you!
Christmas Dates
Christmas Discos - Thursday 5th December
Flu vaccinations - Thursday 12th December
Secret Santa - Friday 13th December
Christmas Jumper and Christmas Dinner day - Tuesday 17th December
Carols on the Piazza - Tuesday 17th December - 6.15pm
12.05 finish Friday 20th December
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