
Showing posts from January, 2025

Friday 31st January 2025

 Friday 31st January  This week, we have been reading the story of 'Stanley's stick' by Jon Hegley and illustrated by Neal Layton.  We have discussed the language used in the story and talked abou t all the different things that Stanley imagines his stick to be. Maths This week, we have continued our work on activities that develop the children's understanding of composition, or the number within numbers. The children developed their understanding of pairs of numbers that make 5, and used double die frames to begin to explore 6 and 7 that are composed of '5 and a bit'. Phonics This week in Phonics, we have revisited the sounds ck, e, r, and u with a particular focus on letter formation and writing CVC words such as pen, rug and rat. Reading Thank you for returning the phonic reader books each Wednesday.  Unfortunately we are not having enough books back each week and baskets of books are looking rather empty. Please check you at home if you have any phonic readi...

Friday 25th January 2025

 Friday 25th January Winter This week we have been looking at a non-fiction book about Winter.  We have learnt about the features of a non-fiction book such as contents page, headings, labels, the index and the glossary page. We also went for a walk in the woods to explore the effects of the changing seasons on the natural world around us.  We looked for minibeasts and made a tally chart of how many of each type of minibeast we found.  It was very exciting! Phonics In phonics this week we have been revisiting the letters g ,o,c and k.  We have used these sounds to focus on letter formation and to write CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words. We have also revised the phase 2 tricky words.  Phase 2 tricky word song Reading Please can you check your child's reading log each Friday to find out which Bug Club book they have read at school each week.  This will be allocated to your child's bug club account.  Please can you read his book two more times ...
 Friday 17th January This week we have compared similar toys from now and the past. We thought about how they were the same and how they were different by looking at things such as the materials they were made from. Thank you so much for sending in photos of toys that you or your parents played with as children. We have really enjoyed looking at and talking about them. Phonics In phonics this week we have been revisiting the letters  i,n,m and d.  We have used these sounds to focus on letter formation and to write CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words. We have also revised the phase 2 tricky words.  Phase 2 tricky word song Reading Please can you check your child's reading log each Friday to find out which Bug Club book they have read at school each week.  This will be allocated to your child's bug club account.  Please can you read his book two more times at home to develop your child's confidence and fluency.  It's really important to read the allo...

Friday 10th January

  Friday 10th January Happy New Year and welcome back to school.  We hope that you had a lovely time together.   T his week at school, we have been learning about toys.  The children talked to the class about their favourite toys and we have practised talking in full sentences. We learnt about the materials that toys are made from and compared the toys we play with now to those we enjoyed as babies.  The children tried hard to explain what makes toys suitable for babies and toddlers. Next week, we will be learning about toys in the past.  Please could you ask any grandparents or great grandparents if they have any photos of themselves as children playing with toys.  It would be lovely to share these with the class.  If you have any please could you email a copy to Thank you! Phonics In phonics this week we have been revisiting the letters s,a,t and p.  We have used these sounds to focus on letter formation and to write ...