Friday 25th January 2025
Friday 25th January
This week we have been looking at a non-fiction book about Winter. We have learnt about the features of a non-fiction book such as contents page, headings, labels, the index and the glossary page.
We also went for a walk in the woods to explore the effects of the changing seasons on the natural world around us. We looked for minibeasts and made a tally chart of how many of each type of minibeast we found. It was very exciting!
In phonics this week we have been revisiting the letters g,o,c and k. We have used these sounds to focus on letter formation and to write CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words.
We have also revised the phase 2 tricky words.
Please can you check your child's reading log each Friday to find out which Bug Club book they have read at school each week. This will be allocated to your child's bug club account. Please can you read his book two more times at home to develop your child's confidence and fluency. It's really important to read the allocated Bug Club book as this closely matches and reinforces the letter sounds that have been practised at school each week. Thank you!
You will also continue to receive some paper phonics books each week to share at home with your child. Please can you return these books each Wednesday so that we have enough books to give out on Fridays.
This week we have been learning about the pairs of numbers that make 5.
We have sung the song '5 little speckled frogs' and noted how many frogs jumped into the pool and how many frogs were left on the log.
We have used a 5 frame to help us see the pairs of numbers that make 5 e.g. 5+0=5, 4+1=5, 3+2=5 and so on.
Thankyou for your support
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