Friday 10th January

 Friday 10th January

Happy New Year and welcome back to school.  We hope that you had a lovely time together.


This week at school, we have been learning about toys.  The children talked to the class about their favourite toys and we have practised talking in full sentences.

We learnt about the materials that toys are made from and compared the toys we play with now to those we enjoyed as babies.  The children tried hard to explain what makes toys suitable for babies and toddlers.

Next week, we will be learning about toys in the past.  Please could you ask any grandparents or great grandparents if they have any photos of themselves as children playing with toys.  It would be lovely to share these with the class.  If you have any please could you email a copy to

Thank you!


In phonics this week we have been revisiting the letters s,a,t and p.  We have used these sounds to focus on letter formation and to write CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words.

We have also revised the phase 2 tricky words. 

Phase 2 tricky word song


Please can you check your child's reading log each Friday to find out which Bug Club book they have read at school each week.  This will be allocated to your child's bug club account.  Please can you read his book two more times at home to develop your child's confidence and fluency.  It's really important to read the allocated Bug Club book as this closely matches and reinforces the letter sounds that have been practised at school each week.  Thank you!

You will also continue to receive some paper phonics books each week to share at home with your child.  Please can you return these books each Wednesday so that we have enough books to give out on Fridays.

Thank you


This week, the children have used their subitising skills (seeing the quantity without counting) in increasingly complex arrangements, moving from dots in a line and arrangements of 2, to focus on standard dice arrangements.  

For larger quantities, the children used their subitising skills to see subgroups within the number e.g. 5 can be composed of 3 and 2.  We played number track games with a dice to practise counting on accurately the number shown on the dice.

You might like to practise this skill at home by playing a number track game like Snakes and Ladders.

Resilience challenge

On Friday we will be sending home this month's resilience challenge.  

This time, we ask that you support your child to develop their ability to use a knife and fork.  We will send home your new challenge card on Friday.

Thank you to those parents who supported their child to complete the zip challenge last term.

Please can all children have a named pair of jogging bottoms in their PE bag to wear outside in the colder months.

Many thanks for your continued support.


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