Friday 7th February 2025

 Friday 7th February

This week we have continued to discuss the story of Stanley's stick. Using the sticks we bought to school, we talked about what they could be.  Then we have written a sentence about what we pretended our stick could be.

 For example...

The stick is a dinosaur.

The stick is a fishing rod.

The illustrator of Stanley's stick, Neal Layton, sent a video for the children to watch about how he creates his illustrations. It was very interesting. 


This week in phonics, we have been learning the letters h, b, f and ff with a particular focus on letter formation and writing CVC words such as hat, bin and fan.


This week in maths we have been focusing on the language of 'more than', 'fewer than' and 'have an equal number'. We have compared sets of objects and described how many objects there are in each set using the language' more than', 'fewer than'.

Next week we are reading the story of Rosie's walk. As part of our work we will be writing and sending letters home. Please send your child to school with a stamped addressed envelope on Monday 10th February. Please ensure that your child's name is written clearly on your child's envelope. We will be walking to the postbox to post our letters after half term.


Please can you check your child's reading log each Friday to find out which Bug Club book they have read at school each week. This will be allocated to your child's Bug Club account. 

Please can you read this book two more times at home to develop your child's confidence and fluency.   It's really important to read the allocated Bug Club book as this closely matches and reinforces the letter sounds that have been practiced at school each week.  

Thank you!

You will also continue to receive some paper phonics books each week to share at home with your child.  Please can you return these each Wednesday so that we have enough books to give 1 to each child on a Friday. 

Thankyou for your support. 


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