
Showing posts from April, 2024
Friday 26th April  Trip to Longdown Activity Farm We are very excited about our trip to Longdown Activity Farm next Tuesday (30th April).    Please can you make sure your child has... - a water bottle - a waterproof coat - sensible shoes to walk around a farm (they are allowed to wear trainers to school on this day). - their lunch (if you haven’t pre- ordered a school lunch) Your child might like to wear leggings or trousers as we will be handling some small animals at the farm. Thank you for your support This week in Reception has been so exciting! All of our eggs hatched into ducklings. The children have loved observing them, holding them and helping to look after them. We have been developing our Understanding the World (Science) learning, making careful observations and using our words to describe and write about what we can see.  We hope that your child has enjoyed the experience and told you all about it! Phonics This week in phonics, we have been learning the phonemes ' ure&

Friday 19th April

 Friday 19th April Phonics  This week in phonics we have been revising all the phase 2 and 3 sounds learnt so far and have learnt some new sounds as well. This weeks sounds are :- ow, oi and ear.   The books we have been reading together this week are :- This floats, that sinks and On the Go. Next week we will be reading Brown Fox Tricks Fox, Stop that Popcorn and Pet Kits. Maths This week, the children have continued to engage with activities that draw attention to the purpose of counting – to find out ‘how many’ objects there are. The children have also revisited the concept of cardinality – the idea that the last number in the count tells us how many things there are altogether. Art We would like to set up an art outdoor area with ready mixed paint for the children to have the opportunity to mix paints independently. If you have any empty clear soap dispensers at home these would be very useful for putting paint in. Many thanks. Reading Challenge Well done to those children who hav