Friday 28th February
Friday 28th February This week at school we were excited to walk to the postbox to post our letters. We hope that they arrive soon! On our walk, we practised using positional language to describe our journey and the features of our local environment e.g. "We walked past the bus stop", "We went over the stream". We made simple maps to show our walk and use Digimaps to show the route we took. We used google Earth to zoom into our school from space. We discussed how our world looks from above and identified features. Phonics This week in phonics we have learnt to read and write words with the phonemes j , v , w and x . We have learnt the new tricky words me and be - these are words we learn to recognise by sight. Please use the games on your child's bug club account to practise these new sounds. Please also check your child's reading log to find out which book has been allocated this week to practise these sounds at home. This is real...