
Showing posts from March, 2025

Friday 7th March

  Friday 7th March This week, we have been reading the story of 'Supertato'.  He is a supermarket hero who saves the day when there is an evil pea on the loose! We have discussed our likes and dislikes about the story and have explored new vocabulary such as 'gasped', 'vanished' and 'in distress'.  We have practised joining in with the reading using lots of expression in our voices. We have even made our own Super Veggies!  We had lots of fun. Phonics This week in Phonics, we have ben learning about the sounds y, z, zz and qu.  We have practised writing words and sentences using these sounds. We have started to learn the Phase 3 tricky words. Click here to listen to the phase three tricky word song Maths This week, we have been learning about comparison of quantities using the language 'more than', 'less than' and 'equal to' to describe the relationship between numbers e.g. 5 is more than 4. You may like to encourage your child to...